A tymczasem na lidze miejsce 117 i 118 zajmuje... http://ranking.wfb-pol.org/ranking.php
Kto¶ wzi±³ odkopa³ jakie¶ stare ID
Te¿ mnie korc± te WE XD hehehe
Krasie okroili totalnie, WE dosta³y nowe zasady (poniek±d nei chodzi mi o to ze z³e s± te zasady bo i tak je dostana w nowym booku)
Mêcz±ce jest to granie na krasiach coraz bardziej... pora chyba na powa¿nei rpzejsæ na inn± armiê...
Je¶li dobrze rozumiem krasie mog± wystawiæ kowad³o z max jedn± run± do rozpraszania. To super moja arcy-mocna armia nie tylko nie dosta³a ¿adnego busta ale jeszcze zwarzywili jej doszczêtnie antymagiê(wszak magia krasi urywa³a do tej pory dupê) i jeszcze cztery maszynki w sk³ad których wchodzi kowad³o. NIECH ¯YJE NOWE EURO, NAJLEPSZY DRAFT EVER!!! Ja tymczasem do nowego booka przerzucam siê na WE:)
Potwory s± zno¶ne tylko maj± jedn± wielk± wadê (oprócz kosztu punktowego ewidentnie zawy¿onego) - nie maj± ¿adnego pancerza, ¿adnej regeneracji, ani ¿adnego warda. Z drugiej strony, spaceruj±ca 6 cali katapulta, która strzela po ruchu i ma przerzut na wszystkie magiczne cele (w tym undeady i demony) nie jest taka z³a.
- Beastmen (2700)
Maximum unit point cost is increased to 550
Points achieved against Beastmen (excluding bonus for Banners, BSB and General) are decreased by 10%
Monsters cost 100 points less each one
Czy to co¶ zmieni³o? Da siê nimi teraz graæ z u¿yciem monstrów o 100pkt tañszych (niczego i tak nie urywaj±...)? Z czym siê to je?
Jest coraz wiêcej turniejów na inne zasady/ograniczenia: PKS silesian (o czym Bru wspomnia³) lub w³asne, jak ten w Krakowie, czy w poznaniu.
Koz³ów to nie euro a turniej bardzo powa¿ny...
"SIwy" ALe chyba na ka¿dym powa¿nym turnieju u¿ywa siê euro....
Heh super te zasady....
znowu wracamy do ery 4 maszyn... w tym kowad³o...
Ku¿wa ja chceeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee nowy podrêcznik do Krasi! Moze zmieni siê meta! Moze co¶ wejdzie nwoego... mniej wiecej juz wiem co ale chce to zobaczyc na papierze!!
Nie s± nawet takie zue te zmiany w EURO. W sumie zagra³bym jaki¶ turniej na nich.
Skaveny i wampyrze s± do prze¿ycia, szkoda tylko ¿e TK jednak nie dali tych bohaterów imiennych . Zabrali jednak limit sfinksów wiêc znów mo¿na jaki¶ radosny kosmos wystawiæ.
A czemu koniec? Ograniczyli wszystkie armie. A pks to takie No limits jak by¶ pomy¶la³ ma³o tam rzeczywistych limitacji a dla ciebie to ju¿ w ogolê lipa na pks.... Na vampach wymuszaj± na wiêksze punkty zamiast 2 razy 9 crypty to np 8 cryptow i vargheistow....
To ju¿ jest chyba ostateczny koniec EURO wszyscy przerzuc± siê na PKS (chocia¿ wcale mi siê to nie podoba)
Tu jest ta ostateczna wersja po przeg³osowaniu oto ona:
Ecco la prima bozza del primo draft, ma quello che c'è dovrebbe essere confermato:
First Draft Rulepack for ETC WFB 2014
1. Army restrictions
Rules changes:
• Characters will get "look out sir" versus the following spells that automatically kill models or automatically remove an entire regiment: Dwellers Below, Final Transmutation, Dreaded 13th. Normal requirements for lookout sir apply.
• All BSBs can take all the equipment, their unit type has access to as if they weren't BSBs. Wood elf BSB can take kindreds and do not loose their longbow.
General Restrictions:
• No Special or Named Characters.
• Army used can be any of the currently published GW Army books. Forge World based army lists & units may not be used on the event, except for Chaos Dwarves.
• An army may have up to 4 war machines and/or shooting template weapons. War machines that use a template count as a single choice in this regard. All template weapons (from magic items, abilities, etc.) count, except for spells. Bolt throwers count as ½ a war machine(round up).
• Any item that auto-dispels a spell counts as generating 1 dispel dice each magic phase.
• Folding Fortress is not allowed.
• Units cannot be more than 60 models nor 450 points (including all command, upgrades, magic items/banners). This restriction applies during the creation of the roster - unit size/cost may be increased during the game (for example - by joining characters to the unit). This restriction does not apply to characters.
Magic Restrictions:
• No duplicate non-signature spells (not including bound spells) and max 2 Spirit Leech (Signature spells are spells you can swap other spells to).
• An army may use up to maximum 12 power dice during each phase.
• Player can use maximum 5 power dice to cast a spell. For the Lore of Death and Shadow, this is lowered to 4 power dice.
• Apart from Winds of magic, an army may only use 2 power/dispel dice per magic phase. After an army generates the limit all the other extra dice are discarded. This includes channeled power dice/dispel dice.
• You may have units/abilities that actually would generate more than 2 extra dice, but any excess dice are lost.
• Some magic items/abilities count as generating dice toward this limit. “Count as” items/abilities may never exceed a cumulative 2 power dice/dispel dice per phase. This means that a player who already spent his limit power dice limit, can't take more items which “count as adding power dice” or add power dice from channeling during game (same for dispel dice).
• All modifiers are applied from the army list and will not change during the game.
Race specific army composition:
• All army sizes are 2400 pt, except when specifically stated in brackets.
- Bretonnia
• Crown of Command/Dispel Scroll/Silver Mirror, max 2
- Beastmen (2700)
• Maximum unit point cost is increased to 550
• Points achieved against Beastmen (excluding bonus for Banners, BSB and General) are decreased by 10%
• Monsters cost 100 points less each one
- Chaos Dwarfs
• K'daai Destroyer/War Machines/Hellcannon/Chalice of Darkness/Sorceror-Prophet with Lore of Death, max 4
• Chalice of Darkness(counts as 2)/Death magic present in the army/Dispel Scroll, max 2
• Hellcannon, max 1
- Dark Elves
• Repeater Crossbow/Reaper Bolt Thrower (counts as 6), max 50
• Dark Rider units, max 3
• Units/Characters with Fast Cavalry Special rule, max 5
• Black dragon/Dark Pegasus, max 3
• Up to 10 Doomfire Warlock models/Supreme Sorceress with Lore of Death, max 1
- Daemons of Chaos
• Beast of Nurgle, max 8 models in total and 4 models per unit
• Beasts of Nurgle present in the army/Skullcannon (max 1)/Nurgle BSB, max 2
• Great Unclean One with Lore of Death can't have Level 3 or 4
- Dwarfs
• Can generate up to 4 Dispel Dices per phase instead of 2
• Quarrelers/Thunderers, max 45 models
• Anvil/Grudge Thrower/Cannon/Organ Gun/2nd Bolt Thrower, max 4
• Anvil/Spelleater Rune/Spellbreaking Rune/Master Rune of Balance, max 2
- Empire
• Models with strength 4 shooting weapons, max 45
• Steam Tank/Crown of Command, max 1
• Each 3 (or fraction) Demigryph models after the first 2/Hellblaster Volleygun/Great Cannon/Stank Tank (counts as 2)/3rd Light Wizard, max 5
- High Elves
• Book of Hoeth/Banner of the World Dragon/Archmage with Lore of Death/2nd Forsheart Phoenix, max 1
• Star Dragon/2nd Frostheart Phoenix, max 1
• Models armed with shooting weapons (Eagle Claw Bolt Throwers count as 6 each), max 70
• Ellyrian Reaver units/1st Eagle unit/Eagle Claw Bolt Thrower, max 6
- Lizardmen
• Scar-Vet Saurus on Cold One/Each 3 (or fraction) Salamander models, max 3
• Becalming Cogitation/Dispel Scroll/Channeling Staff and Harmonic Convergence on the same model/Slann with Lore of Death (not including Wandering Deliberations), max 2
• Skink Skirmishers/Terradon Riders, max 5
- Ogre Kingdoms
• Gnoblar units, max 3
• Crown of Command/Ironblaster/Each 8 (or fraction) Mournfang Models, max 2
• Crown of Command/Runemaw/4 or more characters in the army, max 2
• Hellheart/Dispel Scroll, max 1
- Orcs and Goblins (2500)
• Each 2 (or fraction) Fanatics/Each 2 (or fraction) Spear Chukka/Mangler Squig/Rock Lobba, max 7
- Skaven
• Rat Swarm units, Giant Rat units, Warlock Engineers, max 3 each
• Skavenslaves, max 3 units and 120 models
• Warp-Lightning Cannon/Hellpit Abomination (max 1)/Screaming Bell, max 2
• Up to 2 units of Gutter Runners/Storm banner/2nd Doomwheel, max 2
• Doom Rocket/Brass Orb/Power Scroll, max 1
- Tomb Kings (2600)
• Points achieved against Tomb Kings (excluding bonus for Banners, BSB and General) are decreased by 10%
• Models with bow, max 80
• Neferra's Scrolls of Mighty Incantations can't be taken by a High Liche Priest with Lore of Death
- Vampire Counts
• Zombie units, max 3
• Spirit host units/Hexwraith units (max 2)/Ethereal characters (max 2)/Cairn Wraith units, max 3
• Fellbat unit after the first (counts as 2)/Direwolf unit, max 4
• Red Fury on Lord Choice/Death Magic present in the army/More than 8 Crypt Horror models/More than 10 Hexwraith models/More than 120 Zombie models, max 2
• Quickblood on Vampire Lord/Master Necromancer/Terrorgheist (max 1)/2nd Tomb Banshee, max 2
- Warriors of Chaos
• Chaos chariots, max 3
• Daemon prince/crown of command/BSB on daemonic mount/skullcrusher unit/chimera after the 1st, max 3
• Hellcannon/lore of death in the army/lore of tzeentch in the army, max 2
• Max 1 on the same model: Third eye of Tzeentch/talisman of preservation/armour of destiny
• Max 2 on the same daemonprince: chaos armour/wizard level(s)/daemon of nurgle/flying
- Wood Elves (2600)
• Glade Guard models (excluding scouts), max 70
• Points achieved against Wood Elves (excluding bonus for Banners, BSB and General) are decreased by 10%
• All elves in the army have ASF (Wild Riders are considered Elves. This does not affect any Elven mount or steed)
• Casters may choose spells from any of the 8 Common Lores
• Forest Spirit's Ward Save is not negated by Magical Attacks
- Ogre Kingdoms
• Gnoblar units, max 3
• Crown of Command/Ironblaster/Each 8 (or fraction) Mournfang Models, max 2
• Crown of Command/Runemaw/4 or more characters in the army, max 2
• Hellheart/Dispel Scroll, max 1
Ty masz kurde zrobiæ siwy offens! A jak dla mnie tych globinow to mo¿esz do wora schowaæ! Siwy nie s³ysza³e¶ ze stalin mówi³ ani kroku wstecz!