Macie jakieś informacje na temat co nowego przyniesie bestiom chaos??? Z tego co mi wiadomo premiera luty 2010. Jak dla mnie jest to armia o bardzo dużym potencjale , na stateczną armie jak moje Krasnoludy wręcz zabójcza.
Prawa Ręka
Ja wiąże z nimi całkiem sporo nadziej, liczę na grywalną i nieprzegiętą armie chaosu i myśle że zapowiada się ciekawie.
Tu troche info z bp (na bp są z warseera czy jak to się tam pisze):
premiera 06/luty/2010
Okładka : … 50x756.jpg
It is not my intention to imply that only these rumours may be discussed, only that these are the ones I have determined to be strong enough to put in a summary (and have actually read).
People should feel free to post and discuss anything that they hear, regardless of the source, but the Summary will only ever include those rumours which I feel deserve to be here.
General info
Release is February 2010, after Tyranids, with advance orders starting January 4th. There will be a preview in WD362.
Was to be written by Andy Hoare, but he has since quit Games Workshop. Believed to have been finished by Jeremy Vetock.
The name of the book has changed from "Beasts of Chaos" to "Beastmen". The cover art is below.
The initial fluff for the army book claims that Beastmen were the original inhabitants of the Old World - although initially seeming odd, this is in line with fluff found in Liber Nurgle.
Army-wide Special Rules, Magic Lores, and Magic Items
Ambush is supposedly staying much the same, though it has been suggested that it will no longer be dependant on the General. No news on Unruly.
An "all new magic lore" (singular) has been promised, believed to be an entirely new "Lore of the Dark Forest".
Alongside Magic Items, "Mutations" will be available in the same way as WoC Gifts or Vampire Powers, operating on the same budgetary lines. Bonuses, like Scaly Skin, extra Strength and Movement are expected, as well as more esoteric abilities like Breath Weapons. Multiples of the same Mutation are expected to be allowed.
The traditional marking system may have been scrapped, in keeping with the less obvious devotion to the Godly "cults" of Chaos.
*Note, army-list slots are representative only until more solid rumours appear*
Lords & Heroes
Beastlord/Wargor – Ld 9, T5, with appropriate price hikes. May take Chaos Armour. May be accompanied by a 'pet' Revered Beast Spawn.
Great Bray-Shaman/Bray-Shaman – Beast Spawn as above, access to new Lore. No other news.
Doombull– A metal box set release is confirmed; it is assumed that the Doombull will still allow Minotaurs as Core.
Centigor Hero - Aside from the Centigor Special Character, it has been rumoured that there will be a Centigor character available as a standard Hero choice.
Gor Herds - Ranking issues are fixed. Foe-Renders will no longer provide +1Ld. May have a Great Weapon option. Formation is unknown.
It is unknown if mixed herds will still be an option, as in the current book.
Ungor Herd - A seperate Ungor unit, known to have short bows available to it. Supposedly on 20x20mm bases. Formation is unknown.
Bestigor Herds – New Plastic Models (see below).
Warhounds - Varieties of Warhounds allowed through upgrades - Hunting, Guarding, etc.
Centigor Herd – Moved to Core. Fast Cavalry.
Tuskgor Chariots – Believed to be a 2-4-1 choice.
Minotaurs – New plastic models. Access to Shields, Additional Handweapons, Great Weapons and a Musician. Still Core with Doombull. The only "Ogre-Sized" infantry in the list.
Razorgor - The previously mentioned "Gruulgor". A single metal model, similar in appearance to a warthog. Possibly a large Tuskgor.
Chaos Giant – As in WoC book.
Spawn – Assumed to be as in WoC book. Possibility of slight changes with regards to "Marks".
Gorgon – A new monster, based around the Catoblepas. Chariot-base, with Movement 8 and stats in the 5s, with Impact Hits and a Breathweapon. No model has been reported.
Special Characters
All the Special Characters from the last book will return in this one. New ones talked about include:
- A Centigor character by the name of Ghorros Warhoof, with special Drunken rules and a magical Great Weapon. As his name suggests, he has hooves rather than claws.
- A Bray-Shaman by the name of "Malagor the Dark Omen", with a feather-lined cloak.
- A Minotaur character dragging a Herdstone that allows him to cast spells. May be a Champion upgrade.
- A Daemon Prince. May have Bloodthirster-level stats. Possibly Nurgle/Slaanesh marked.
- A Foe-Render character with the +1Ld of the old book, among other things.
- The Thing From The Woods, a giant Warhound/Spawn from Mordheim.
Models and Army Book
No pics yet. Work by Aly Morrison and Mark Harrison. Releases rumoured are:
* New Beastlord and Bray-Shaman models.
* Special Characters Malagor and Ghorros have generic models at unknown prices.
* Metal Doombull Box, sculpted by Mark Harrison. One model, £25.
* Metal Razorgor Box. One new model, £15.
* Plastic Bestigor Box. Ten models, £25.
* Plastic Minotaur Box, sculpted by Mark Harrison. 3 models, with options for greatweapons, two handweapons, and shields. £27.
* Ungors and Gors are being resculpted and split up into seperate plastic boxes, at £15 for 10 models each. They will be extremely similar to the current models (as can be seen below) but more detailed, and with a greater variety of poses. Ungors will come with shortbows, and are on 20x20mm bases.
* The Tuskgor Chariot is receiving a new product code as a metal box at £18. This doesn't mean it's receiving a new model.
* The same applies to Centigors, who are now a metal box at £35.
* The Battalion will consist of 20 Gor, 10 Ungor, and 10 Bestigor, and costs £55.
If you intend to start BoC, I'd advise you to do so before the release, as Gor and Ungor (their basic troops) are becoming 67% more expensive. Snap up those Beast Herds!
cały temat
Ostatnio edytowany przez michau5300 (2009-12-27 16:31:50)
Ściąga rozpiski z rapida
Chrzanię ich. Obecnie mam chętkę na imperium
Jeśli masz chętkę na Imperium, to się wstrzymaj do wakacji. Ma wtedy być nowa edycja Warhammera i razem z nim ma wyjść nowe Imperium.
Prawa Ręka
Giń niewierny ;D
Chrzanić kozy... nieładnie
Bestie chaosu chętnie bym kiedyś pozbierał...
Prawa Ręka
Tu foto do nowych modeli … 1262673071
Bestigory są kozackie, mam nadzieje że będą grywalne. Minoski wyglądają jak na sterydach, bez dorabiania futerka się nie obejdzie. Gory są niezłe, ungory trochę brzydkie ale mogą być.
Najbardziej martwi mnie brak skimrisha wtf? mam nadzieje że tylko ich tak ustawili
Bo jakby zrobili armie na klockach bez lataczy to nie pozostawiają mi wyboru. Gram demonami
p.s. i WoCh'em też ''gram"
Ściąga rozpiski z rapida
No dla mnie za mało widać na tym "snikpiku". Ale jeśli nie zginie klimat indiański (bo dla mnie tak wyglądają te szamany, tylko pióropuszy im brak) to może się kiedyś skuszę.
Ja rozumiem, że nastała era heteroseksualizmu i niechęci do owłosienia na ciele, ale na miłość boską, to są sierściuchy . Może lepiej będzie to z bliska wyglądały, bohaterowie wyglądają wypasieni, a i nowe modele ładne, ale bez sierści to klimat jakoś mi nie pasi.
Bo to są minoski utworzone z polskich muciek, a jak wiadomo, ostatnio im się nie przelewa
Już wiemy jaki jest terminalny stan osobników chorych na chorobę wściekłych krów
Co wy gadacie. Mnie się tam podobają. Są klimatycznie diabłowate i rogate. Kto powiedział że muszą być włochate.
Jak bym miał wybierać armie chaosu to bym wybrał właśnie tą
Jeśli chodzi o mnie to na pierwszy rzut oka z tego co widać to nawet fajne są nowe modele do tej armii
Prawa Ręka
Wyszło pare plot:
ma być takie coś co wygląda jak świnia z kolcami
szybkie, staty po 5
harpie w specjal
bestigor mają być jakie były czyli lipa
nie będzie marków ale fajne mutacje
wypasione monstery gigant, cyklop, jakies dziwne coś i 2 silne coś ( prawdopodobnie chimera )
Jakby byli jacyś zainteresowani to mogę więcej napisać ale myślę że jak ktoś jest zainteresowany to sam sprawdza