Pojawi³a/ pojawi (nie wiem do koñca) siê ju¿ pierwsza fala nowo¶ci. Czyli podrêcznik i dwóch herosów.
Araloth :Lord 260 pkt
M5 WS8 BS7 S4 T3 W3 I8 A5 LD10
Special rules ASF i stubborn
Boldest the bold: Kiedy Araloth atakuje sam dostaje unbreakable
Favour of the Gooddes: Araloth ma 4+Ward sava
Skaryn the Eye thief: Na pocz±tku tury wybierz pojedyñczy model w promieniu 18" od Aralotha. Ten model otzrymuje uderzenie z si³± 4. Je¿eli dosta³ rana i nie wybroni³ pancerzem rzuæ k6 na 6 ten model otrzymuje -5 do WSa i inicjatywy (do min. 1) na reszty gry.
Durthu :Lord385pkt
M5 WS7 BS7 S6 T6 W6 I2 A6 LD10
1lv beasta
Special rules: Blessing of the ancients, Flemmable, Frenzy, hatred, Lerge Target, Scaly scin (3+) stubborn, Terror.
A lemenataion of Despairs: zasiêg 12" Si³a2 Killing blow Mutiple shots (2k6)
Tree Whack: Bodczas CC przed trafieniem (równie¿ podczas pojedynku) mo¿na zadeklarowaæ tree whack w pojedynczy model. Zadeklarowany model musi zdaæ test inicjatywy albo otrzymuje k6 ran bez mo¿liwo¶ci obrony.
ok pokaza³o siê wiêcej zdjêæ
https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set … 592&type=1
ceny te¿ siê pokaza³y
185z³ treeman
chyba co chwila bêdê tego posta aktulaizowa³
Nowe WE szykuj± siê na bardzo fajn± armie
Sister of the thorn
czyli kawaleria z 4+Wardem poisonami ASF i magi± tylko za 26pkt
a to strzela 12"
Bêdzie grana kawaleria + ³ucznicy, drewniaki raczej id± na pó³kê. Strasznie os³abili driady.
treeman jak czyta³em te¿ raczej nie bêdzie wchodzi³ do rozpisek.
btw. znalaz³em co¶ takiego na jakim¶ forum...
Special Rules:
Kurnous' Arrow: [Lords and Heroes] If enemy general is within 36" and LoS at start of game, one auto S3 no AS hit
Asrai Bows: S3 AP (Glade Guard, Glade Riders, Scouts, Warhawk Riders, Waywatchers, Glade Lord, Glade Captain, and Waystalker)
Asrai Spears: S3 AP Spears
Ancient's Blessings: +1 to cast in woods [ Not sure who has this rule, probably all of the spellcasters)
No Spites or Kindreds [ Waywatcher and Wardancer Kindreds have been hard-coded as a unique hero type now ]
Magic Arrows: Upgrade to units. Can be 1 of: poison, flaming and +1W order OR destruction, AP (-3), multi-shot, ignore shooting modifiers
Dual Prowess: WE get BOTH Prowess rules when >=50% of unit is in woods. (reroll 1's to wound only for cc, fight and shoot in extra rank)
Free Forest: Citadel woods in your half(!) of table [a la garden or morr and unlike old WE AB], you choose the type (i.e. Wildwood, venom thicket, etc) - 1 free forest plus you can generate d3 with the magical item Acorn of Ages. You get to choose which type of Mysterious Forest your Free Forests are...
Forest Spirits: 6++, ItP
Strangleroots - 12", d6+1 S5 hits. 10 slave upgrade to Treeman/Treeman Ancient
Access to all 8 BRB lores, plus High and Dark magic, with unique lore attributes. High magic is "+1W" [ probably just heal wound] on caster or unit; dark magic is +1 token to enemy unit per hex cast on it. when taking damage from spell, take +1D3 hits per token.
Magic Arrows: (Taken on Glade Guard, Glade Riders, Deepwood Scouts, Glade Lords, Glade Captains only) [cost are for GG] [only 1/unit or model] [characters can have 1, independent from magic item allowance]
Curse of the Witch: Poison (1.5 Slaves)
Moonfire: +1 to wound Forces of Order, Flaming (2 Slaves)
Starfire: +1 to wound Forces of Destruction, Flaming (2 Slaves)
Swift: Multiple Shots (2 Slaves)
Accurate: No to hit modifiers (2 Slaves)
Bodkins: AP(-3) (2.5 slaves)
Magic Items:
1. Soulblade: No armor save allowed. If a char/monster suffers unsaved wound, both roll 2d6 add morale. If wielder wins, difference is translated into wounds with no armor saves allowed. [>25 slaves]
2. Daith's Spear: reroll failed hits and wounds and enemy rerolls passed armor saves. [25 slaves]
3. Helm of the Hunt: +1 armor, devastating charge, +1WS
4. Bow of Loren: armor pen, number of shots=A+1, no magic arrows
5. Acorn of Eternity (makes d3 forests; you choose type; must all be the same) [50 slaves]
6. Moonstone of Hidden Ways: unit in forest and out of combat may transfer into another forest
7. Hail of Doom Arrow: 3d6 armor penetrating S4 shots
8. Wand of Wych Elm [treesinging bound spell; only arcane item; only way to access treesinging]
9. Banner of Midwinter (MR3; Unbreakable for a Turn)
10. Banner. Vanguard and extra charge distance on first charge of the game
Aralorn (New plastic, skaw, essentially)
Orion (300 slaves)
Drycha (Lore of Shadow)
Naestra & Arahan
Glade Lord (May take magic arrows)
Spellsinger (May use 8 BRB lores or High / Dark)
Treeman Ancient (may not take items) (lore of life only; base Level 2; may be upgraded to L4)
Glade Captain (May take magic arrows)
Spellsinger (May not use High / Dark)
Branchwraith (Lore of Beasts/Life; may not take items)
Waystalker (Sniper, Waywatcher rules (Ignore armour or shoot twice), 25pts magic items)
Shadowdancer (Shadow Dances, 25pts magic items, Can be upgraded to L1 shadow)
Eternal Guard (WS5 S3, Spear, LA, Stubborn, 5 slaves w shield upgrade) [25pt banner]
Glade Guard (same pts as before, can take magic arrows, scouts now a separate unit) [25pt banner]
Glade Riders (9.5/10 slaves, may take magic arrows) [25pt banner]
Dryads (S3, Hatred, no Skirmishing, no musician or standard, 10+ unit size, 5.5 slaves)
Warhawk Riders (Both Riders and Steeds AP, KB on charge for hawk [same cost as treekin; 20 slaves) [now 3W]
Wild Riders (Frenzy, Devastating Charge, Fast Cavalry, Talismanic Tattoos, AP Spears (S5 AP on the charge, Deers are WS3 & S4) [50pt banner]
Deepwood Scouts (GG with Scout and Skirmisher)
Treekin (S4)
Sisters of the Thorn (13 slaves) [50pt banner]
Wardancers 7,5 slaves (Dances: 3++, KB and AP, +1A, remove rank bonus; no more +1S on charge, 6+ AS, no std, 7.5 slaves, can swap AHW for asrai spears for 0.5 slaves)
Wildwood Rangers [25pt banner] WS5 S3 elves, AP GWs, +1A for models in btb with fear/terror-causer, Ld9 11ppm
Great Eagles (Can be taken in units now; no upgrades)
Treeman (112.5 slaves, S5, Strangleroot for 10 slaves)
Waywatchers (can either double-shot or ignore AS every time for shooting, 10 slaves)
Szef Portalu
Syc±ce sie robi± X)
Ignos AS na waywacherach jest mocne